What is Belotero?

Belotero is an injectable dermal filler containing a hyaluronic acid matrix. Hyaluronic Acid occurs naturally in your skin. It binds with water to help plump the skin and make it look smoother. Over time, your body absorbs the hyaluronic acid in Belotero. Belotero has a soft, gel-like consistency. The hyaluronic acid in the product binds to the moisture in the skin to subtly fill in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Belotero was originally approved by the FDA in 2011 for the filling of moderate to severe nasolabial folds, also known as laugh lines. However, the company has since expanded its product line to include injectables of different consistency to handle different types of tubing. For example, Belotero Soft is used to smooth fine lines, while Belotero Volume is used to restore volume and plump cheeks, nose and lips.

Belotero is safe for most people. However, its safety in people under the age of 18 or in pregnant or breastfeeding women is not known. You should avoid it if you have a history of severe or multiple allergies, especially to Gram-positive proteins.

Before surgery, your doctor will ask about your medical history. Make sure to tell them about any allergies or medications you are taking before the procedure. Most Belotero products contain lidocaine. This is a local anesthetic that helps minimize pain from the injection. You can also ask your doctor to use a local anesthetic before the procedure if you are concerned about pain. Before giving you the injection, your doctor may use a marker to mark the area being treated. Next, they will clean the area with a sanitizing solution.

After the area is cleansed, your doctor will inject Belotero with a syringe with a fine-gauge needle. They may gently massage the area after the injection to help spread the filler for a more natural look. The number of syringes your doctor will use depends on the number of areas you are treating. The entire process may take anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour. Belotero is approved for the treatment of nasolabial folds. However, it is also used on the forehead, chin, cheeks and lips.

Belotero is used for:

  • Fill in the lines around the eyes, nose and mouth
  • Correct eye bags
  • Fills forehead wrinkles
  • Contours cheeks and jawline
  • Plumps your lips
  • Treat some types of acne scars
  • Correction of small nose bumps